Wednesday, April 9, 2008

thankyou thankyou

I'm so happy Shane is back. I missed him so much. He's just one of those people who is consistant in my life no matter what mess we get in. I missed talking to him at 3am since we're the only two up. Anyways yay he's back in Canada!

Also I have to say that I've been really happy lately. I have become really close with my sister again and that means the world to me. Its hard to believe we just about murdered eachother growing up and now we're best friends. She's one of the greatest strengths in my life and my closest friend. I love her so much and I'm so blessed to be such a big part of her life and her kids lives. Makes me happy happy. She's always there for me and I know she knows I'm always here for her.

Last but not least I just wanted to thank all my friends for recently supporting me through my struggles, I won't get into details but they know what I'm talking about. Bosman, Jarrod and Lance, Boot, Dallas, Craig, Trish and Richard thanks for always holding me up when I can't stand on my own two feet. I'll be back on em in no time flat thanks to the lot of you gooders in my life.


