Thursday, April 3, 2008

sars bwains and blood

had a weird day today, it was a roller coaster day. Could be from the events around me as well as the hormones as well as the not being on meds. All I know is I got plenty of sleep before my appointment today just for the single reason of maybe having a rough go with it. But as the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy says (along with Richard today) DON'T PANIC! and so I breathed and went to a movie and tried to pull it together. And it worked out. But I'm still wide awake and hungry and thinking that I should make some dinner at 1:40am for some crazy reason.

My dad is going to come and help me move stuff around in the basement to upstairs and help me finish painting the kitchen so I can get this place finished up. I think my roommate is moving out soon so I should be thinking about that too but I just have too much to do right now. I'm gonna miss him if he moves. It was nice having someone here again even if we rarely saw eachother. I'm happy for him though. He's a gooder and deserves gooder things in his life. but yeah i'm really looking forward to getting the kitchen and bathroom done. :) I love my little house. It's been alot of work but it's been worth it.

I should get some sleep since I have another round of blood tests in the morning then ooooh lala work! Good thing I love both my jobs.


