Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Quit Day!

So it's official! As of the 30th I am no longer at the big Red machine. I'm now a minion of FS and the DTHR :) whoohoo! I handed in my notice today. I'm so excited to be working at a new job(s). Everything in my life is finally coming together. It was cute I got a dirty chi and a happy quit day card today with hello kitty all sparkly and aloha on it :D super cute!

I voted today. Yay. I think it's super important to vote. This blog isn't really about politics so I won't go on and on about it. But I do think it's very important.

Talked to a customer today about being the president of the country of Montreal and how they need a toothbrush like me to make the 59 states in there function properly? Funny thing is I told Montreal at one time that I was a toothbrush, in french no less! hehehe (thanks michel for the good times good times)

Bought a belt for the first time since my last trip to Montreal where it or the ghetto bubble tub, or the clam in the Caesars gave me a rash. I think it was the belt or all of the above because today I have a rash and I wore the belt yesterday. (it's the metal that bothers my skin) Ate a hot dog for the first time in forever too. Yay for the holidays. I also get this weekend off which i'm very excited about. Maybe I'll hit up the corn maze hmmmmm pizza and drink night on Friday that's for sure!



scott said...

Good Job! sounds like your changing things for the better and taking control of your life :)

