Thursday, January 15, 2009

keeper of da dayz and love

I have to say my life has been so much better since I started at the hospital. I come home happy just about every shift. And even after the not so great ones, I'm still happy at my job. :) I get up and ready for work looking forward to my day/evening/night and what it might bring because I know it's gonna be a great shift.

I've been working a lot of night shifts and going through books like crazy, any suggestions out there for books? I've read 9 this month alone. So bring on the suggestions!

also yesterday i got a calander in the mail! It's of Australia! From Australia! w00t! I'm a lucky gal, thanks 'frickin'du for the wicked keeper of the days!


scott said...

glad to hear things are good :)
wish my worked rocked like yours...
i think 95.3% of the world dislikes their job, of course 54% of the time statistics are made up.

The Yee's said...

I read the Kite Runner and thought it was pretty good! I'll let you know if I think of any other good ones! So glad to hear your job at the hospital is working out!

