Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Connect 4

I'm back to work after a short 4days off.
Still working on the Kitchen, and now
Boot is for sure for sure moving in.
I'm so happy about that.

I've been reading more and more blogs lately and wonder about my own now.
Is it mainly my friends that keep coming back and reading it or are there people who find it
and end up checking it out from time to time, people who I have never met and are interested in my really boring life?
I know some of you are thinking "your life is crazy" but I wonder if it is to others who don't see me talking while flailing my arms/using my hands like sock puppets/while hugging everyone in the room and dancing like a sprakle (sparkle to everyone else sprakle to bosman and i)

Someone asked me if I felt weird sharing my world with total strangers and I had to think about it for half a second. (which is foreverz in my world) and answered like this:

No because I could meet a total stranger and in 1/2 hour introduce them as my new best friend....that's just how I am. I'm an open book, with pictures and words and pop up pull tabs and confetti if I could pull that off. So why not? Maybe someone out there is thinking the same thing or feeling the same way and it gives them affirmation that they are not alone in their thoughts and it makes their day? Maybe it pisses someone off, then at least they know they're alive because they have feelings, drive and passion, connection. That's HUGE, connection. We aren't connected enough to eachother these days. I'm genuine and passionate about connecting with other people, I think we need more hugs, more caring and more love in the world, and not your store bought, valentines day crap, but real genuine heart felt, guts spilling out like spaghettie and saugage connection. Inestinal connection, solid hand shake connection, flight get the picture.

So I hope for those of you that read this are enjoying it. Cuz I know I am. :) and really isn't that all that matters?!


