Saturday, November 3, 2007

ate some super awesome yummy stroganoff today thanks to my wicked awesome cousin Ashley. She's good to me. We're going to see Him. on Wed. Should be good times. The last time we went to a concert we went to the Backstreet Boys. *cough cough* yeah it was a while back...anyways, I get to go for dinner at they're house tomorrow for chicken curry. MMMMMmmmMMMmmmm. What else. I watch this super awesome documentary on this insane couple who love each other in the most demented but real way. The film was called Crazy Love. It was a big story in the 50's and 70's. Horrific but touching and somewhat understanding yet unbelievable. Anyways I'm off to watch some movies and make a lil something something for a super cute guy that I'm madly in Love with.


