Sunday, March 1, 2009


so much to post about so little sleep. Went on a bit of no sleep tear the last few days. No worries gang it was self inflicted and well desereved. I finally got to pick up some shifts at work, then went to the city of champions up north.

last weekend bosman and I went and used my xmas gift (tix) and bday gift (jersey) from him and rocked it out in style at the oilers vs flames game! We dined at OliveGarden (one of my faves drinking martini's yum) and caused a ruckus to the wee hours of no sleep in a somewhat hot hotel room. (not hawt but temp hot) YES we lost but it was a super close game. The next day i fell asleep at west ed on a bench waiting for rainbow photo ops. I love going to live games they're so much fun gave me goose bumps, thanks for the great gift of helping me turn 30 in the most memorable way possible shane I love ya hun so much.

it was during said game that I not only bonded with one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world but I also bonded with man I find hard to bond with at times. my dad. Don't get me wrong we spend time together and talk, I talk to my dad about a lot more that's going on in my life then I have since I was 16. I love him to death and he's the greatest dad ever I truely believe that but sometimes it's just hard to find something other then renovating my house and our love of macs to bond over. (the first being a rather tense situation after the second day of working on the house) ANYWHO....3 mins before the puck drops a shoot him a text message since he's a die hard flames fan, he had the kids this weekend so that made it even more fun,W and Abs are die hard oilers fan and the twins are flames, so you can see the rivalry brewing. We texted back and forth every goal through the whole game and eventually puting a bet down that the loser wears a the winners team jersey to the next game! (a little back ground info, dad and I were hardcore hockey fans, we'd go to college kings, rebels, NHL games. He and my uncle ray took me to my first oilers game but stopped going to games when he moved from Red Deer when I was 16) so this is a big deal to me. Anyways, so I lost and have to wear a flames jersey. I'll take it like a champ. Later I found out that my dad has NEVER that's right NEVER texted before and it was his first time. I'm so proud that I was the first textee. I still remember mine.....Dan G. Opitmus Prime. But being that was sold cell phones and pda gadgets it makes a girl proud when her dad finally starts texting. So ya had a geat time. bonding with two of my favorite guys in my life. Definetly the two that have stuck through with me on a long term scale.


