Friday, March 27, 2009

better then the L word

It's that time of year that everyone seems to hate. Tax time. For the first time EVER I did my own taxes by hand with a pen, pencil, eraser and calculator. I can understand why it's frustrating to do them this way but for some odd reason I really enjoyed it. It was as my gramma used to say "like doing a jigsaw puzzle". She was my personal tax lady and present wrapper among many other great things to me. But this year I sat down at my mom's and worked on them with her. Previously I've had them done by gramma, brent's dad, and once I actually paid H&R block, but I think from now on I'll stick to doing them on my own. Besides it's better then doing laundry....I effin hate laundry.

I found out that I was poorer then the poverty poor in our province I really should have been on social assistance of some sort. So after working out the numbers I should be ok with this new job. That says a lot though when you're working in a senior-ish position in retail and you're still below the poverty line. GROSS. So needless to say I'm getting a ton back from the govt. with their handful of sand that seemed to go deeper then just my pocket. HAHA I get it all back bwahahaha. What am I gonna do with my new riches? Pay bills that seem to never end. Maybe take a trip down to B.C. to see my favorite peeps. I dunno.
New stuff? I was putting some pink in my hair and my niece asked for some too so I got her to call her dad and he gave her the ok so we dyed her hair too. It was really faint, I didn't keep it in for long. But it was fun. I had a great day with her and her brother yesterday. Also I got a new position at my work. I took a pt position on a unit that helps people integrate back into society easily. I'm pretty excited about it. I can still pick up call in shifts but this just gives me some awesome extras like grantee of shifts, benefits, holidays, ect ect. I didn't even apply for the position so I was shocked with they offered it to me. :) must mean I'm doing something right.


