Friday, September 19, 2008

wrapped in rainbows....

so yesterday one of my best friends sent me this video because it reminded him of me. I love this song. It reminded him of me because everytime this song would come on I would try not to cry because it totally makes me think of Abs. I rarely cry over her now. I think it's because I'm happy with myself these days and I'm super happy with having her in my life still. In honesty I have nothing to cry about it at all anymore. Everything is better then what I had imagined.

I know that it was the right thing and I know it's the best for both of us and I don't doubt that for a moment. But like most birth moms, (but not all) I can totally say without hesitation or sadness that I miss her, That I do wonder now and again what it would be like if she was here and things worked out that way. Then within 3 seconds I'm back to knowing this is the right choice, not only for her *my main concern* but for myself as well. Can't live in shoulda coulda woulda besides I know that this all happend for a reason and that I was meant to have and place her. I never thought I would love our relationship as much as I do and I never thought I would be as content with it as I am. :)

I love you with all my soul mini one. You're the rainbow in my heart that never stops shining.

also I'm starting a book club and we're reading catcher in the rye right now, so far it consists of two of us me and one which I bullied into making him buy the book to read it with me because he said it wasn't that big of a deal. So we call ourselves the


