Sunday, September 21, 2008


So we all know how I'm a huge nerd when it comes to reading. I read all the time and everywhere and anywhere. I'm addicted to reading. I really am. I read every genre but love non fiction the best. A few years ago I read Stephen King's Dreamcatcher with a friend at work. We decided to start this joint venture because, Staples, for some odd reason, was selling paper backs back then and it was one on the shelf so we just used the one on the shelf to read on breaks and talked about it after to kill time at work. SOOOO I decided to expand on that and get my friends to read books with me now, 5 years later, and we'll blog about them.

You're more then welcome to join in our book right now is JD Salanger's Catcher in the rye. Here's our blogspot that you can either join or follow along. Let me know if you want in! We'd love to have you! Either for this book or maybe an up coming one?

The Super Duper Book Club

Just click above and you're on our blog and we'll be blogging as we go so there will be spoilers. But funny stuff too cuz we're all pretty kooky kids.


