Monday, September 22, 2008

too broke to pee

so I just got back from the show in Etown, had a great dinner with Ron. Haven't seen him in over a year I think, we tried to remember the whole "ocare" scenario or was it ocre? I can't recall. But maybe "too tired" can figure out the holes in the story or maybe marky mark? all i remember is that I got a text message while waiting for you three and it was something about an ochre something and I was confused on it being a gourd while it was really a car? So none of this is going to make sense to most of the lot who reads this but I had to throw it out there.
I still have no idea what he's taking in school or what he's ever been employed at other then photography and some kind of alien autopsy scam or is it scheme? Yeah, needless to say my tummy hurt from laughing so hard through the dinner. (
ps I didn't choke on my food once and nothing shot out my nose or spit out my mouth...almost but to no avail)

So off I go to meet up with Dallas, he was at Chilies having dinner so I joined him and the waiter gave me a free coke because of a big
lebowski reference. Now that's a powerful movie!

We got to Ed's (formerly Red's) and saw the second best (tied for second) show I've ever seen EVER and the best show out of the ones we've been at this year. I got a super rad shirt and so did Dallas. I danced to EVERY SINGLE BAND and they all rocked it hard. Jesus made an
appearance and Red Deer got a mention with The Real Deal but not in a good way. Flatliners were freaking stellar and I Can't say enough good things about them. Reel Big Fish were my favs of the night. I Freaking loved the whole set and Less than Jake were funny as heck. (heck is where you go when you don't believe in Gosh) Horns/Brass are my second fav instruments next to PIANO *swooon* I was in heaven all night! Thanks Dallas for the last month it was so much fun to hang out and see such wicked bands with you! I'm so lucky to have you as one of my best friends. You're rad. *hugs*

btw the too broke to pee, apparently you have to pay to pee in certain establishments but only in particular sections, the other less pretty section you don't have to pay, but they didn't tell me this until I was done peeing. After they were like "you need to pay" I told them I had no money and that's ridiculous. They said to use the facilities on the other side of the building then because these ones are for paying customers, as in paying to use the nice potty. LAME!~

ps. thanks for the key I love the tunes, and thanks for reviving my faith in Metalica xoxo


