Thursday, August 21, 2008


so I was a bit disappointed obviously with the whole bigfoot thinger. So here to redeem the mythical beasts is a doozie. Someone that no one believed in until about 10 years ago and only started making paparazzi appearances a few years ago.......

the colossal squid along with his buddy ......

the giant squid

dun dun dun......

Yeah I'm a dork but I love the cephelapods I can't help it!
Just to give you some perspective here's a chart of as Kjorvie would say "big truck big truck" vs the creatures of the deep. As the ice fields and poles melt we're going to see a huge increase in sea life, averaging about 20-150 new species a year I figure, or more, what do I know though, I'm just a girl who loves the ocean. ;)

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Daina said...

Check out the Goblin Shark for your "mythical Beasts"...

Agent EE said...

lol my friend sent that to me a few days ago I got the biggest kick out of it, thanks D, love your blog btw. :)

