Monday, August 18, 2008

Shun the non believers ....ssssshhhhhuuuuuunnnnnnn

Real or fake I still think the whole buzz over big foot is pretty rad. Did any of you see the documentary on Yetti they had about 4 years ago, where they found some hair that is believed to be the creatures. Also in the report was a young girl who was taken care of by the Yetti and she is now like 80-some years old and still talks about how she was always treated kindly by the animal. Anyways weather they are real or not I still believe in them as much as I truly believe in things like ghosts.

The other animal that has people questioning this past year is the Unicorn. Yeah now your all laughing but "they" who ever they are, think they have found the bones to a small horse, about a foot or so I think it was, who is claimed to have calcium deposit by it's fore head. Now if this was just one animal that would be pushed out the door as coincidence, there it looks to be a whole heard of mini horses with calcium deposit above each of their heads. So who knows maybe they were just so annoying that Noah really did keep em off the boat, "damn unicorns! always under foot" I mean he's gonna have to put up with them for how ever long the flood lasted, I don't blame him.

I'll try to find some links to maybe help back my own story here up. Anyways... the other thing I wanted to note was today I saw a moment in a persons life that was so innocent simple and pure I had to share it, this girl saw these really rediculous pencil toppers that we have and as soon as she saw them she smiled and touched them and said to herself "i had these in grade 4" was just nice to have customers smile at simple things we put out. And the fact I was there at the right time to see it was neat. I wonder if I make other people smile the way they make me?


