Friday, September 25, 2009

don't wanna hear you saying thankyou

this is a remix of my favorite choices song done just for my favorite muppet. I've been signing with a patient at work lately and so I came across this and thought it was purty rad.

also it was W birthday and he always reminds me of oscar, sometimes he's cranky but he's always giggles and smiles down there inside. He's getting so big and I love him as if he were from me. Happy Birthday big guy!

And it's oscars favorite season, Autumn, cuz it's so noisy and the trees trash the ground with their leaves, I love fall, but all of you read that every year so yeah I won't go on.....but i enjoyed the fall weather today with C and we went out to the secret not so secret spot Jeffner showed me when we were just little. So it all ties in. Had a super great day. and very productive, I was up at 6am doing the L word even....crazy i know


