Thursday, September 10, 2009


d master put this cd on a usb key for me and i was obsessed with this track. it would stir my heart head and soul all at once. finally i had to stop listening to it because it made me feel to an extreme that almost hurt inside, bringing up painful memories and feelings of love and shattered dreams that re created new ones. then the gso saw i had the cd and picked this out to play about a month or so ago when we were on one of our awesome random road trips and i'm back to listening to it again. i have another vid that i'll post tomorrow. i'm so tired but i promised bosman that i would post something because it's been 8 days. sorry it's been so sparatic. but that's what happens when i'm on antibiotics, it messes up my system which messes up the system which ends up messing up my frequency of posting on my blog. i have a hard time focustrating on anything these days. hopefully i'm on my last batch so i'll be good to go soon.


