Sunday, May 11, 2008

The reason.

Shared a really special day on Saturday with really special people. Evan's mom came to birthmothers day and that meant the world to me. It was nice to have all the support of my adoption family, friends and family. Had some major revelations there with some trusted gifts given. I am so lucky to be me. The other night I was kinda down and thought about all that I had done in my life and after talking to some good friends I've come to realize that I don't have regrets because I follow my heart. I don't always make the best decisions and have had to go through things the hard way because of it but I know it's ok because I believe and follow my heart. Amazing thing is, I got two tokens from the day that said just that. My life is so connected.

Saw speed racer which blew my mind!! I was in ADHD heaven through the whole thing even when the guy fell down the stairs in the theater, I had to ask if he was ok cuz everyone else just laughed. But it was funny. Anyways. yeah the movie was like they took everything out of my brain and sloshed it on the screen :D it was rad. Foxy was just that in the whole thing especially his ninja scene *drools* I never go all gaga over guys on screen except for two. M Fox and E Embry. *swoon* Anyways. Yeah that's about that.


