Friday, April 9, 2010

tough week great ending

its been a crazy week, i end up dehydrated and weak, and tired, so i have to take time off to recover, my lil car gets munched again and it takes us 3 1/2 hours to get home from calgary in a blizzard. BUT i got to hang out and play video games with china tim, and the GSO,(ghostbusters on ps3 sucks hardcore btw) and redeemed my ticket for my birthday present from Bosman.

Yup the hardcore duo do the ladies, Barenaked Ladies! we did the VIP thing and meet and greet, got our swag signed, had a few conversations with the boys and thoroughly enjoyed the concert and opening acts. the show was great, i do have to add that there was a more serious tone to it then most shows and you could see the appreciation they have for their continued fan base and each other as the show went on. we asked them during the meet and great back stage if they have any songs that they are going to retire now that they are sans steve, and if they would sing brian wilson (mine and bosmans song) and they said nothing is ever retired, but they are going to have to continue to "re vamp" some songs such as brian wilson as every time they sing it, they feel like they're doing a cover song of a barenaked ladies track rather than singing their own music. they did a special request song of the album snack time that they weren't planning on because of a little girl who sat two seats down from me. she made them a little sign with eraser as the request. so they pulled it together and sang it even though it's honestly a tough song to do live. I loved how much more Kevin sings. He's got to be my favorite in the band. They're all super talented but he kinda takes the cake. I can't wait to post photos just waiting for bosman to send em to me. so stay tuned.

i have to add it took us about 4 1/2 hours to get home last night from calgary. the roads were terrible. i don't know what it is about my birthday excursions but the rides home are always brutal, even if for different reasons. but i can't complain cuz the last two bday prezzy's were freaking unreal. thanks again bosman *big smooshy hugs*


