Saturday, February 27, 2010

got the bug

so i'm finally getting a passport again. i've been dying to go on a trip for the past year and finally gave in and went to edmonton with the gso and we applied. hopefully they don't decline either of us. that would suck. but i don't really see why either of us wouldn't get em. so now for the big task...where to go first with them? any ideas. money is a bit tight so no lavish cruises or trips around the world yet. maybe after i'm done school. who knows. vegas? seattle? i really wanna go to disneyland....but not everyone seems to be excited about that, mexico? costa rica? suggestions and tips and stories are more then welcome on this post gang. i'd love to go back to europe and do all the war stuff again or go hang out in the clubs or go visit a certain hot german girl. but i'll settle just a dip into the states and a case of cherry coke.


