Thursday, February 25, 2010

give hugs

i was just reading an article on the growing pains actor who took his own life

one of the comments was 'its sad someone has to die from an illness that is treatable' and while i know it is somewhat of a true statement that makes me angry

a lot of people in my proffesion would disagree but i don't think suicide is a selfish act and sometimes depression/mental illness isn't treatable, only delayed

its like instead of racing to the finish line (death) you're drugging someone up so they take longer to get to the finish line

sure this applies to only a handful of people but it does apply. after losing people who
are so close to me to this, i know i'll never fully understand
but i can empathize
and who are we to judge the limits of their
tolerance to the time they spent in the world.

don't get me wrong, drugs and counseling work wonders especially these days with the
new drugs we have, they really have made a huge leap/bound/stride in
helping cope with the illness but for some it just doesn't work.
by no means am i condoning or accepting suicide as an option,
i'm just saying i empathize with it.

so give hugs often and tell people in your life how important they are to you
and how much you appreciate them
it only results in good stuff.
remembers and enjoys that
even if they can't see past what they're going through.


