Saturday, January 2, 2010

great start

so i had a little conversation with abs today, she wanted to talk which is a bit odd usually she's too busy but today she felt conversation was good.

abs-whatchya doin



cuz i sleep in the day and work at night time.

oh that means you're nocturnal, you're a night person....bat's and possums are nocturnal and so are hamsters.

yeah, you're absolutely right, how did you get so smart?

i just am, you know what i got for christmas, a necklace, but then i put it in a box to give to a girl in africa, i already have a lot of old necklaces and don't really need a new one, but she probably doesn't have any so i'm giving her this nice new one.

that's really generous and unselfish of you abs

yeah i want to go to africa really bad

yeah me too. maybe in a year or two i'll go, i want to help babies that are sick

wow that's really cool, think we could meet up there, like go at the same time?

maybe when you're older. i'm going to go for at least 8 months by the sounds of things.

wow i want to live there for a few years....when i'm older not right now. is africa a country or bigger?

it's a continent, like north america, north america is Canada, US and Mexcio put together africa is like that.

wow we better make plans where to meet up then.


we chatted for a while longer then she went and got my dad to talk to me for a bit. he said that every time he tried to go in the room she'd wave him out. it was pretty cute, she was laying on the bed using speaker phone on her tummy with head propped up on her hands and elbows. it was the greatest way to start the new year.


The Yee's said...

That is the cutest conversation! She seems like such a lovely little girl! You must be so proud!!! :)

Agent EE said...

awe thanks Jenn, she's wonderful, i'm so very proud of her. :)every conversation we have i get inspired, and in awe of the things going through her little mind.

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