Tuesday, October 13, 2009

warning blogging while under the influence and lack of sleep

i've been having interesting conversations this past month. so many, and so interesting that i'm getting lost on who they were with. i know i've had at least 2 with this topic so i'm gonna run with it....

so i know for sure i was talking to Dmaster tonight about this and I think :AN was the other and i know there was someone else but i just can't put my finger on it....holla if you are that person~


lists....we all know that i'm a list freakazoid and that's cool. but what's odd is how us girls (i'm using this as a blanket and i'm sorry if this offends you....actually really i dont care tonight...) have lists on what they are looking for in a guy. here is an example that came up as a #1 hit on google


What Spamwise Looks For In Elves, Dwarves and Men

1. He must be intelligent and articulate.
2. He must have an appreciation for good food [although he does not have to be a foodie].
3. He must have respect for geeks. They rule the world and they’ve triumphed over those silly high school jocks.
4. He must be emotionally mature and in touch with his feelings. Romance is not a dirty word.
5. He must be aware of the meaning behind a light blue hanky and a dark blue hanky.
6. He must have a sense of humor. Smile a little, laugh a lot.
7. He must never mix the soy sauce with the wasabi. California rolls are an abomination best left hidden.
8. He must not be a Republican. Or a libertarian.
9. He must understand the difference between role-playing games/RPGs and roleplaying situations. One of these things has nothing to do with the other.
10. He must know how to kiss, and not like a pez dispenser.
11. He must be compassionate.
12. He must know what he wants out of life. It’s fine to be aimless when you’re a twenty year old Young Thing, not so much when you’re in my age range.
13. He must not be a one note top. It’s all about the motion of the ocean.
14. He must not be a pushy bottom. Good sex is like Torville and Dean’s Bolero.
15. He must be gainfully employed.
16. He must not be a butter nazi. Fat equals flavor.
17. He must know the difference between Barthes and Sartre and be prepared to defend one over the other.
18. He must like old movies.
19. He must know who Jack Kirby and Frank Miller are.
20. He must have some appreciation for Barry Manilow.
21. He must not mix up Olivia Newton-John with Jane Fonda.
22. Opera is not a foreign language.
23. A penis is not a weenie. Don’t give your dick a pet name unless it’s extraordinarily special, if you know what I mean.
24. “Toned” does not exist in his lexicon. He doesn’t have to be a meathead but he should recognize that one goes to the gym to lift, not to “tone up”.
25. He must not take over the bed when we’re sleeping.
26. He must like to take showers, but not obsessively.
27. He must recognize that musical genius did not begin with Madonna.
28. He should tell me to shut up when I get hysterical.
29. He must be courteous and polite. Always let a woman exit an elevator first, always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and NEVER talk about your ex[es] on the first date, among other things.
30. He must not express incredulity at my lack of knowledge of pop culture.
31. Books are not meant to be wall decorations.
32. He shouldn’t be as serious as I am.
33. John Belushi and Jay Leno ARE NOT the same person.
34. He must read at least one newspaper. Sorry, but the N.Y. Post does not qualify. Ditto for the Daily News.
35. He must not watch The Food Network. Or if he does, he must recognize that Bobby Flay can’t cook jackshit.
36. He must not be half my height.
37. He must have a reasonably well-kept appearance.
38. He must be self-confident. “Dominant” and “masculine” are not words in his vocabulary. Those qualities are self-evident in his nature without him having to say so.
39. He must like to wear sneakers.
40. He must be a fan of public transportation.
41. He must not equate New York City with Sodom-on-the-Hudson.
42. He must be able to be flamboyant. Get in touch with your inner Ethel.
43. He must like holding hands in public.
44. Being gay is a part of him but he doesn’t wear it on his sleeve.
45. He must be a good listener, in addition to being able to communicate effectively.
46. He must be a good person. Put it another way: you don’t have to be spiritual to be religious, but you can’t have religion without spirituality.
47. He must be able to go from Water Music to wild child in under five seconds.
48. He must not be provincial.
49. He must not have a cell phone. Or if he does, he should be patient with me because I am cellphone-less.
50. Barbra is a goddess. That is all.

Maybe I’m being too exclusive with these requirements. Oh well, there’s always Craigslist.


I had a list but it fell apart after a few discussions, and then i went list-less for quite some time, until tonight maybe?

My List of Must haves:

no addicts

communication skillz

Drivers License

No DUI's

toleration of kidletts

a cellphone

some idea of what a job looks like

an up for anything attitude

understanding of my whacked out schedule of shift work and sleeping pattern.

laid back but enjoys my randomness (this is pretty big, all my relationships that lasted more then 4 months have been with guys who are calmer and more laid back then I am because we balance each other out)

Nice to haves:

a car

love of cars

understanding of geeky things

can handle going to a hockey game

would be nice if they had a bit of a weird sleeping habit but again this is my nice to have

loves movies as much as i do

wow my lists are pretty weak comparatively. maybe Dmaster can refresh my memory on my list selection from the past but i can't think of anything else, maybe it's standards i'm thinking of that need to be higher lmao who knows, but i know there isn't much that would come up in conversation where i'm like "wow this isn't going to work cuz he just said that", you know the convesation/date-ability killer that slashes through slice by slice....

what would yours be?


Lindsay Jo said...

Hahahaha, my must-have's are almost identical to yours. And as basic as they seem, I find them almost impossible to pin down in one man. GAH!

I am currently devising a "relationship resume". I will post it on my blog when I am done. I am sure you will enjoy it. :)

Agent EE said...

i can't wait to see it lol some days i think it's not enough and other days it seems too big. GAH! is right! Must be discussed over beer

