Saturday, October 17, 2009

she's craftay

ooooh i can't wait to give some of you your christmas presents this year, they're all gonna be weird and fantastic and even if you don't appreciate them i don't even care cuz i've had so much fun making and crafting them. i've learned over the years that not everyone appreciates hand made gifts, and this saddens me in parts of my heart but i don't hold it against you. i used to be annoyed by them too at times but now i cherish anything made for me. i think it's something you grow out of if you were ever a spoiled kid. (which a long time ago i was) anyways all the gifts are gonna be super sw00t! just you wait.


Daina said...

I LOVE making homemade gifts - this year is Jam. Last year was dried Herbs and the year before that was knitting. Crafting FTW!

Agent EE said...

we need to set up a gift exchange! you're awesome! I want what you got! FTW is right. nothing is better then handmade with love

