Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cuz you care

so obviously i've been going through a bunch of stuffz and i really need to say thank you to a few people.

Bosman, even though you're on vacay you've totally been there for me through text, phone calls and msn. You're my bestest friend and this whole time without you has been tough but you make it easy. I love you for being you and for loving me the way I am. You know how I feel.

Lance, you are truely always beside me and possibly in my head and heart a little more then most. It's eery how much. But if it was to be anyone i'm glad it's you. You get me through a lot of tough times just with your text's and online hugs. As far away as you are you're always close to my heart.

Heather we just met but thanks for all the video calls and chitty chat sessions. It's so great to have another girlfriend.

today sarah staplers txt'd just to say hi and hope i'm doing ok, we don't talk that much anymore but it was good to know no matter how long we go without seeing eachother we're still there for us.

Dmaster, for dropping everything and coming over today when I was sobbing. And helping remind me my stance on this whole situation and helping me set up a plan to keep it in tact. I really appreciate you picking up my peices when they fell today. I love that no matter what's going on in our lives we are there for eachother. I love you lots mr.

The GSO, gosh dude, you've been there for me so much lately through so many things. You've become easily one of my bestest friends over the past year. You're a terrible influence on me and I love it. You can read my mind and talk me through just about anything. You either talk me down or distract me with oddity fun or just plain old make me laugh, or help me stabbity stab stuff in a world of walking. I love that you take my mind of stuff by explaining how gas plants work or how to pressure weld. You're a gooder. And although I know you're far from perfect, you've been so good to me this last while. Thank you.

And Ernbot, you've been there for me for so long. always got great advice and awesome adventures. I appreciate you more then you could imagine. Thanks for always making time for me in my random schedule of life.

And thanks to everyone who's called me, text'd me and messaged me on fb. I'm so lucky to have such amazing friends. There are so many more of you who deserve madd props, but it's 7am and i still haven't slept. I'll prolly add to this later. Love you guys.


