Sunday, July 26, 2009

cuz I'm a sappy suck

so i guess this is super sappy and sucky and almost in the *vomit* category but it's kinda true. I wear my heart on my sleeve and go into everything whole hearted. Yup I understand 100% that I set myself up for heart ach and pain and hurt but I'd rather feel the pain and know that I'm alive then be numb and go through life wishing I had gotten more out of it.

I think life is what you put into it. I put a lot into my life, I'm not always perfect, actually I am usually quite the opposite. I make a ton of mistakes and learn from them, and find some new ones to make, although they usually end up in some kind of adventure and life lesson.

Sometimes I cry and wish that life was easier but then I know I wouldn't be the odd little duck I am today if it was. I don't think I'll ever change my habit of going into things head and heart first. Even if those who help me pick up the pieces after wish otherwise.


