Thursday, July 16, 2009

The C word is coming out in full force on this post...

So I'm actually committing to a few things..... I KNOW! Me using the C word. To be fair I commit my self to a lot of things, my daughter, my job, and always to who ever I'm dating. I hate huge commitments like living arrangements, marriage, permanent positions at work.
But I have decided to commit myself to furthering my education and start my process to become an RPN Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I have about 5-6 years to complete this little project then I can double my salary and give needles :) woohoo....I figure I love my job so much that it's going to be worth it.Other commitments? I'm committing myself to going to Africa. So much so that I'm going to take a course at the college for doing eye exams so that I can preform some over yonder as well as assist in eye surgeries. hoooray i finally figured out what I want to be when i grow I'm ever going to grow up but still it's a start.

And as always I'm committed to my sweetie pie. He's pretty rad and I'm pretty happy and it's pretty awesome. YAY. We've got some days off together which is unusual for me with anyone. But I'm excited to spend some qt with him. I need a break from work anyways.
Spent the day with my mini one, she's getting so smart and big and beautiful. I just love her to bits. I'll post a few pics when I get home as I'm working a night shift tonight. She was going on about how green light sabers are for the good guys in starwars and how she would never use a green one, only red cuz she would be a bad guy because they have better moves and are more interesting.....hmmmmm not sure what to say about that one ;) other then she's kinda rad I think.
DDO is coming out soon. My friend in NZ is bugging me to sign up and play...I think I just might have to since it's looking as awesome as WOW except it has one upped the WoW idea by making it FREE!!!! So that's gonna take up some time for me. Not too much but a little. I wonder how it's going to effect the whole online community....I'm excited to check it out. My friend's playing the beta and seems to really enjoy it. I'll have to ask SottyB4hotty about it because he is after all the DD expert.


Silvergloe7 said...

I love that "What Syringe" pic, someone has that exact pic as a tattoo, lol, it's awesome :o)

Agent EE said...

lol :) i love it!

