Friday, February 6, 2009

No pictures cuz I suck

I'm sorry I have left my blog nagelcted but in all honesty i uploaded a ton of pics only to not save and have them deleted damn auto save being down. *sigh* Most of you have FB and can check them out there, I'll load em up on Flickr soon too...maybe.....if i have time.

I've been working retarded amounts this week. I love my job thankfully and so it's been a joy. My birthday went extremely well for the most part and I am enjoying the life of a 30 year old. :) Friends and family and the wee ones came over to help me decorate. Some key players ended up not coming but what can ya do, I understand that life is happening and there's no stopping it or even slowing it down.

I got great bday gifts and the one that's getting the most use right now is
my new Final Fantasy IV Game
I've re fallen in love with my DS again because of it! I take it in the tub with me and to work and on my lunch break and my commute (when I car pool and am not the driver) in bed, on the couch, I'm a Final Fantasy feind right now.

I love everything I got though and thankyou to everyone who showed up and for those who helped set up. Love you guys lots.


