Tuesday, May 26, 2009

we'll have halloween at christmas

lots has happened in the last little while. i went and saw some shows with a cute boy from sherwood park. got a red shirt from said show along with a cd and stickers. it's my first shirt since leaving the big red machine. And then a super cute girl (not me) came to visit from Kelowna and that was super awesome (pictures included) then broke my ankle by falling down the first set of stairs at my house with laptop in hand, went for a ride on a fast bike. Too tired came in on Sunday and spent the day with me, we met the boys for Caesars and then went and visited poptart and his kidlets. then today just kicked back (ankle elevated) with the boys today enjoyed sleeping in and being spoiled. Captain picnic and i agreed that this year for sure we'd do our big picnic and he showed me how to play SOS and how to win at x's and o's and he drew me some giraffes. And today i got two letters about the out come of my job. apparently i didn't get the position but the posting is closed so either that means they're gonna leave things the way they are or the hiring freeze on all jobs at the hospitals is in effect for this position too and i'll have my job for a while, or they put in the wrong info for who got the position and as of next week i won't have my pt position and i'll have to start back on call again. I wouldn't mind on call but there aren't any shifts because they hired so many aides. I'm a bit nervous but all i can do is trust that everything will work out because it always does, and that i'm where i'm supposed to be regardless.


