Friday, May 29, 2009

insomina my friend how i didn't miss you

its weird i'm having the hardest time getting to sleep lately, usually i can totally get into the night shift swing of things but this week has been brutal and i've been so tired when i wake up. things are a bit stressy with some stuff but i think maybe it's the lack of sunshine? i dunno, maybe the feelings in my heart, just waiting for summer to actually be here, or maybe i just don't blog enough to get my feelings out or thoughts down. I don't know. I'm in my creative swing again where my brain isn't turning off ideas and i just don't have the time or room to even think about starting any major or minor projects right now other then finishing up some of this mess of renos i'm in and getting my garden ready to plant in a week. Blah. Anyways I'm gonna go to bed. or at least pretend to.

hopefully if i get permission to blog about my friends then i'll have a pretty photo and a story.


