Monday, February 18, 2008

4 days late and a buck short

in the spirit of the season of valentines this is a little tribute to everyone who doesn't know why it's all about red hearts and love. He was a preist jailed for preforming marriages while King Claudius ruled. The king didn't want the strong young men of his land to marry and have family so that they would be less willing to go to war. So to stop this he banned the act of marriage. Valentine continued to preform the scarred bond of man and woman and so was jailed to be beaten and battered then beheaded. While jailed he fell in love with the jailers blind daughter and eventually it's said he had returned her sight to her. He wrote her letters in using the only ink he had available on steady supply. BLOOD, signing it "your valentine" until he was executed and held as a martyr. So boys if your gonna sign something 'your valentine' make sure you get your blood screened first. ;) until then enjoy the Happy Tree Friends bought of blood. :)


