Wednesday, September 22, 2010


so with the help of the gso and his dad, i learned how to change the brakes on my car, and actually did one side of the car (with the help of the guys but still). it was pretty easy minus the one set of screws we had to drill out. i have to say that's one thing about the gso that i love. he show's me how to do stuff and lets me do it on my own or at least with some help from him. i've always been an independent person and so it makes me feel good to still have that independence along with having some help with stuff.

i feel kinda bad because i didn't make it down to calgary this week but i think it was really important to fix the brakes on my car. well i should prolly get back to sleep. the dryer woke me up with it's buzzing noise like the door to the unit at work.


