Thursday, June 5, 2008

what a collection

At nearly 68 (his birthday is on Saturday), Tom Jones gyrated across the stage like a young hipster singing “Just help yourself to my lips, to my arms, just say the word and they’re yours...”

He slid his hands down his still-svelte torso stopping south of his belt-line, and his largely female audience members shrieked their approval.

A few excited fans even twirled panties in the air as a prelude of what was to come.

-red deer advocate

I have to tell as story about the panties, yes lots of ladies threw panties at this sex bomb fiend, but I know where this all started. Back when he first started out he paid women and gave them panties to throw up on stage so people would think he's sexy and a big deal. Well whatever the reason it sure worked. He was freaking amazing. I can't get over how great he was. It blows my mind. Anyways I tried to blog about some NKOTB stuff but my youtube account is being stupid.

I have tickets to go see them in November with my cousin and sister. I can't wait. I was talking to Ash tonight and she was saying they open with Tonight which is one of my faves along with cover girl and I remember singing milk carton girl to cover girl lol back when they had missing kids on milk cartons, Deborah and I made up a song to go with it. WOW it was like almost 18 years ago. Crazy. Anyways I'm super pumped to go see them and Face to Face is coming up and so is Warped. What a combo of bands Hyme, Blue Man Group, Tom Jones, Rancid, Face to Face and New Kids On The Block. hehe I remember having all the stuff of thiers, bed sheets, barbie dolls, posters, shirts, lol I love em.


