Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I wanna Wii Fit

I have a killer headache today, probably from my accident in gymnastics on saturday.

Not too much new in my life, I cooked dinner for a friend yesterday and I remember now that I'm a really good cook.

My garden in the front is almost planted I'll have pictures up once it's done. I went a stray from what my gramma normally puts in and went with some perenials so I don't have to dish out cash for flowers every year.

Friday is the begining of my "holiday" ooooh three days off in a row. I was going to go to a wedding but since I can't see out of one eye still and I have so much happening I don't think it's safe for me to be driving to Kelowna in the dark alone. So instead I'm going to Face to Face on Friday then Ikea on Saturday and Tim is coming for a visit, Brent's gonna hang with me on Monday too I think. I'm looking forward to having some time off to spend with friends I haven't seen in forever it feels like. Yay for friends.

Anyways that's about it. Other then that Shane is moving in with me soon (my older brother) and Bosman is overwhelming my wall with bumper stickers which i love. So that's it.


