Saturday, September 29, 2012


so HJ came and woke me up with cuddles this morning then i got up and ate some breakfast and had a shower. we went to zellers to check out the sales there since they are closing out and target is coming in. bought a air popper *not to trade for drugs on the street* for the unit and then we went to canadian tire and then out for beers. we talked the entire time and it was amazing. then came back home and watched a movie...well HJ watched the movie I fell asleep from him giving me a foot rub. Then he went home and i had a nap sorta and ate dinner with my wifey and her boyfriend and Katanna. Stopped by HJ's for a good night kiss then off to work for the night shift. How did I get so lucky to re meet him at the right time in the right place? I love my life right now.


