Saturday, December 31, 2011

Top List Of 2011

The Muppet Movie with my Mini one and the car ride to and from!

2hours and 24min phone call at 3am and knowing there's more where those came from <3

Killing zombies with Bear

FOO FIGHTERS with Bosman!

Nugget runs

Sayders and everything that is awesome and terrorizing about her

My car Crispen Grover

Finally meeting Ben and his super rad girlfriend

Late night random visits from Jarisrad

Halloweening with the mini one in her SUPER costume

Katanna Banana and Sarah Pickles moving in they're the most wonderful bestest roomies ever!

Chety making his big appearence

Going to Disney World all that it was missing was a Dars

Trying to explain my favorite sound to the small fries (it's pete btw)

Finding out what freedom really feels like

James and his Jeep and how perfectly he places his words to me.

The walking dead and it's awesome show titles.

Lanceisrad and his awesome gaming ability to get me sucked into yet another MMO.

it was a really tough year full of a lot of pain but at the end of it all i really found the sunshine thank you to all my friends and family for all your support this year. I couldn't have made it without Dars,Bos Jarisrad, Bear, LB, JJ&S, Curly sue, Arcturis, James, Sarah Pickles and her wee one Mar and Mom and Ashcash, brenty and Dal. All the late night phone calls and adventures i dunno what i'd do without all yall. Thanks . <3


