Saturday, June 11, 2011

mini ones

not much new in life, had a really great phone conversation with my mini one and i'm going to paint her a picture of a butterfly since that's a huge connection for us. whenever i see a butterfly it means she's thinking of me and vice versa. the GSO brought it up that maybe i should get a butterfly tattooed on me for a symbol of the mini one and as much as i dislike butterfly tattoos it sounds like a great idea.

i'm still addicted to netflix and my dog has taken over the house. she's our little princess. but don't worry i'm not dressing her up or painting her nails. but she is a big reason why i get up early and stand out in the rain and lost ten pounds because of walking her so much. she's learned to sit and shake and almost lay down, now she just needs to come and not eat MY socks and MY pj's....never the GSO's only mine.

so that's a mini update on my life. nothing crazy just plain fun.


